Policies and Procedures
Student Handbook
- Beliefs, Vision, Mission
- Title I Parents Right To Know
- Parent and Family Engagement Best Practices
- Arrival
- Attendance
- Car Line
- Cheating
- Checkouts
- Assembly Guidelines
- Concerns/Complaints
- Conferences
- Dances
- Discipline
- Dismissal
- Dress Code
- Education Of Children In Homeless Situations
- Eighth Grade Class Night
- Electives
- Electronic Device Policy
- Emergency Card
- Extracurricular Activities
- Field Trips
- Food Services
- Gifted Services
- Grading
- Guidance
- Hall Passes
- Health Services And Regulations
- Homework
- Insurance
- Invitations
- Lockers
- Lost And Found
- Messages To Students
- National Junior Honor Society
- Personal Possessions
- Physical Education
- Positive Behavior Support
- Prohibited Items
- Promotion Policy
- Recess Rules
- Schedule Changes
- School IDs
- Sexual Abuse
- Students Of The Year
- Tardies
- Teacher Requests
- Technology
- Testing
- Textbooks
- Transfers
- Transportation
- Visitors
Beliefs, Vision, Mission
At Lee Road School, we believe:
Students are individuals with different learning styles.
The curriculum is designed to meet the unique social, emotional, physical and intellectual needs of all students.
Maintaining a safe, healthy, and well-supervised environment promotes student learning.
Teachers, parents and the community are partners in the educational process and share the responsibility for support of the school mission.
Teachers act as facilitators to guide students toward the achievement of their fullest capabilities.
Students develop self-confidence and a sense of responsibility when a positive relationship exists between staff and students.
Students are to be technologically competent to compete in the 21st century.
The mission of Lee Road School is to foster student growth through positive relationships in a safe, supportive environment, helping each student become a productive citizen and a confident leader. Stay GOLDen!
Our vision is to develop responsible, lifelong learners who are able to achieve and excel in a global society of continuing academic advancement. Lee Road Junior High School will invest in state of the art equipment and services, ensure teacher and staff development opportunities, and continuously maintain and upgrade these services.
Title I Parents Right To Know
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires school districts to inform parents and familiesabout their right to receive information on the professional qualifications of their children’s teachers. Parents and families have the right to know:
Whether all employed personnel have met state qualification and licensing criteria for the position they hold within the school
If any personnel is employed under provisional status where state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived
All college degrees and general areas of certification held by teachers, and qualifications of the paraprofessionals
Whether their child receives services by paraprofessionals and their qualifications
Teacher Certification/Degree Information can be verified at www.teachlouisiana.net
Parent and Family Engagement Best Practices
St. Tammany Parish Public School System believes that Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) is important for children to achieve success. Parents and families are key partners with the schools. PFE includes programs, services, and activities at the school and district level.
District Responsibilities
- Involve families in developing and reviewing the district's PFE Plan
- Hold yearly Federal Programs, PFE Stakeholders’, and PFE activity planning meetings
- Support STPPS Title I schools in planning and carrying out their PFE activities
- Annually review and monitor PFE activities and school-wide programs outlined in the School ImprovementPlans
- Provide a Title I PFE resource page and presentations for school personnel use
- Develop Title I PFE survey to evaluate PFE plans and use results to plan future PFE programs and adjust PFE policies and procedures
School Responsibilities
- Invite parents to a school meeting highlighting their school's educational programs, curriculum, and PFE opportunities
- Offer PFE activities at various times which support learning goals at home
- Involve parents in the planning, review, and implementation of PFE programs
- Provide parents with timely information about the school PFE policy
- Provide families with opportunities to volunteer, participate, and observe in the school and classroom
- Maintain 2-way communication with families
- Provide each student with the Compact for Student Success outlining responsibilities of students, parents, and teachers in the educational process
- Support all students in their effort to achieve success
All students should arrive at school by 7:55AM, when the bell rings to go to the classroom. Students may begin arriving at 7:30AM. Bus transportation is provided for all students who live within the Lee Road School attendance boundaries. Due to heavy traffic volume during the morning hours, the bus is the only means of transportation that will guarantee your child’s timely arrival. If a parent chooses not to take advantage of bus transportation, they should follow the established procedures for car-line to ensure their child’s safety. Under no circumstance should children arrive at school via any other means than bus transportation or the established car-line drop-off area.
***More information to come***
- Type One Absence: Excused
- Type Two: Unexcused Absences
- Type Three: Suspension/Expulsion
Seat Time Recovery Requirement
Students in danger of failing due to excessive absences may be allowed to make up missed seat time held outside of the regular school day. The makeup sessions must be completed before the end of the current semester for high school students and the end of the year for elementary/junior high students. Seat time is held on Fridays from 3-5.
Parents will receive notification of the State truancy policy at the beginning of the school year. Any juvenile student who is habitually absent or tardy from school will be reported as a truant child to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, the family and/or juvenile court according to the provisions of Louisiana Children’s Code regarding families in need of services.
Students who frequently arrive late for school lose valuable instructional time, learn unproductive work habits for the future, and create needless disruption to the school and classroom setting. Every school has a policy for tardiness that is enforced to help ensure the maximum, high-quality instructional time for all students at the school. Parents are urged to support the academic success of students by requiring and assisting students to be on time for school every day. Upon the fourth tardy in a quarter, your child will receive a consequence.
Car Line
Morning Carline:
Drop off begins at 7:30. First bell rings @ 7:55. Any child not in classroom at 8:00 will be marked tardy. Parents must check students in through the office after 8am. Please do not walk your children through carline; this jeopardizes everyone’s safety and inconveniences those who are waiting patiently to drop off their children.
Afternoon Carline:
Students in PreK- 3rd grade will be dismissed to carline through the main entry and students in 4th- 8th grade will be dismissed to carline through the gym. Please display your child’s carline tag in the front passenger side of you window or windshield every day using the special tag issued each year by the school. Parents who do not have this tag will need to go to the outdoor office window and provide identification. Your child will then be sent to the office. Any student not picked up by 3:25 will be sent to the office and parents will be notified.
Frequent early dismissals from school severely impede a student’s chances for academic success and disrupt the classroom for others. For the sake of every child’s education, please limit early checkouts to real emergencies. Check-outs cannot be done after 2:20 due to safety of students during dismissal procedures. The check-out window closes at 2:20 and reopens at 3:10.
Assembly Guidelines
Visitors attending school programs during normal school hours must provide a photo ID in order to attend.
Students may not be checked out or leave classrooms to attend Lee Road School functions during normal school hours for family or friends. If a student is absent from school, the student must remain off-campus and will not be allowed to attend any school-related function during normal school hours.
If you would like to check your child out after their program, you must complete the tri-copy form provided by the teacher the day BEFORE the program. If you do not complete the form, you will need to follow normal check-out protocols through the front office window.
Parents and guardians with a concern or complaint are asked to use the following procedure:
- Take any problem directly to the person involved. State your concern or complaint and your understanding of the problem in a cooperative manner. Ask for and listen to the other person’s version of the problem. Together, decide on a course of action for each party to take to solve the problem.
- Within a reasonable time, check back with the person involved to inquire whether the proposed solutions have resolved the problem.
- If the problem persists, ask for a conference with the individual and the building principal.
- If you are still not satisfied, the principal will provide you with the name of his/her superior. Problems taken to higher levels of administration must occur in this sequence.
Dances are held for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Admission is charged to cover the cost of the dance. The St. Tammany Parish School Board dress code must be followed at all dances and after school events. Students may have their cell phones but will be prohibited from using the device during the dance. Students will be allowed to use their cell phones at the end of dance to contact parents/ guardians or in case of emergencies. If the guideline is not followed, the student will be asked to contact their parent/guardian to pick them up early from the dance. Dances are open to students who attend Lee Road School in good standing. If students have served an in-school detention, in-school suspension or out-of-school suspension within the quarter of the scheduled dance, they will not be permitted to attend the dance. In order to ensure the safety of all students, once admitted to the dance, students will not be permitted to leave for any reason until the event is over. Administrators reserve the right to prohibit students with disciplinary issues from attending dances. Dances begin at 5PM and end promptly at 7 PM. We expect your child to be picked up promptly at 7 PM. Students who are not picked up promptly may jeopardize their participation in future dances. Parents/guardians need to follow the afternoon car-line pickup procedures when picking up students.
The St. Tammany Parish School System Handbook on Attendance, Discipline and Student Records is given to every student at the beginning of the school year. Lee Road School adheres to the policies and procedures set forth in this handbook. The St. Tammany Board of Education expects and requires that students act in an appropriate manner and with respect for the rights of others.
Administrators in each building develop discipline rules and procedures which incorporate the School System’s policies and rules of discipline. Teachers also develop discipline rules and procedures for their classrooms. All adults who work in our schools are responsible for student behavior.
Forms of disciplinary actions include but are not limited to the following lunch/recess detention, restorative practice, after-school detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, recommendation for expulsion.
- After-school detention
- After-school detention is assigned on Fridays from 3-5. Parents will be allowed to reschedule one after-school detention. If a student misses after-school detention, a ½ day of in-school suspension will be served.
- If a student is not picked up by 5:10, the student will be sent to after-school care. The parent/guardian will be responsible for after-school care payment.
- In-school suspension
- Students will not be assigned in-school suspension more than two times a nine weeks. If a student reaches the maximum, out-of-school suspensions will proceed.
- Out-of- school suspension
o If a student is assigned out-of-school suspension, the student may not participate in any school sponsored function before, during, or after school. This includes but is not limited to awards programs, dances, and sporting events as per STPPS district handbook: During a suspension, students are forbidden to come on school grounds or to attend or participate in any School System or school-sponsored event to include, but not limited to, athletic events without advanced written permission from the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee. Any student who violates this ban will be subject to legal sanctions for trespassing.
Please refer to STPSB parent and student handbook for disciplinary procedures and guidelines.
At the end of the day, students are dismissed to buses, gym or main hallway entry to wait for car line pick-up. In order to ensure the safety of all students, please do not walk into the building to retrieve your child. In extreme emergencies, students may be checked out through the office.
Please make sure your child knows how he/she is to get home before leaving for school each morning. Due to the high traffic in our office, we cannot absolutely guarantee that telephone messages will be delivered accurately. We cannot deliver telephone messages after or 2:00 PM.
If, during the school day, an emergency arises that necessitates a change in the way your child is to go home, you will need to either come to the office in person to request the change, or fax the change in writing along with a copy of a picture ID, preferably a driver’s license. We must receive the fax by 2:00 PM in order to guarantee that the change will be communicated to your child. Only a parent or guardian may request this change.
Students who plan to go home in carline with a friend will need to bring a note signed by their parent, with a phone number. That note will need to be seen in the office and signed by an administrator before noon. The student will then get a pass to show the carline duty teachers. This is also the procedure to follow if a student is going home with another student on the bus; however, not all busses have seats for an extra rider.
Thanks for your cooperation with our changes to carline; student safety always comes first!
Dress Code
Lee Road School follows St. Tammany Parish Dress Code as outlined in the District Handbook that is provided to each student and is available on the district website (www.stpsb.org). Consequences will be given for dress code violations. The administration makes the final decision as to what is acceptable dress.
Any rips/ worn areas in pants that allow skin to show should be below finger-tip length. Student tops should be long enough that no skin shows between their top and bottoms.
Leggings, tapered or flared leg, must be worn under a dress, skirt or shorts. If wearing as pants, it must be paired with a finger-tip tunic or dress. T-shirts and sweatshirts (with or without hoods) are not considered appropriate tops over leggings. This applies to students in grades 4 and above.
Caps and Bandanas are not allowed on campus during school hours, except on special cap days, which will be announced.
Pajama pants are not to be worn on campus.
Shorts, skirts, dresses should all be fingertip length as per STPPS district handbook: Walking shorts may be worn as long as they meet the length requirement. While standing erect with arms extended down, the length of shorts must come to the tip of fingers or below or not more than 5” above the knee. The minimum length of dresses, culottes, skirts, and shorts must be at the fingertip or below when standing erect with arms extended down the sides or not more than 5" above the knee. Students will contact parent/guardian to bring school- appropriate bottoms for the child to change into. Rolling of bottoms to shorten length is prohibited. If the problem persists, further disciplinary actions will be taken.
Width of sleeveless tops should be at least 3 fingers wide. Muscle tank tops and racerback tank tops are prohibited.
Education Of Children In Homeless Situations
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law passed in 1987 to help people experiencing homelessness. The Act requires states and school districts to make sure students in homeless situations can attend and succeed in school. The McKinney-Vento Act applies to all children and youth who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including all children who are living in the following situations:
- Doubled-up housing with other families or friends because they lost their home or their family is having temporary financial problems
- Living in a motel/hotel because of economic hardship or loss of housing
- Living in an emergency or transitional shelter, domestic violence shelter, or in a runaway/homeless youth shelter
- Living in a vehicle of any kind; campground without running water and/or electricity; abandoned building; substandard housing; bus/train station
- Abandoned in a hospital
Children and youth in homeless situations have the right to the following:
- Attend and succeed in school no matter where they live or how long they have lived there
- Enroll in a school despite the lack of a permanent address or lack of school and immunization records or birth certificates and other documents
- Receive services comparable to those offered to non-homeless children and youth
- Get transportation to school, if feasible
- Access educationally related support services
Should you or your child meet these qualifications; please contact your school’s main office or guidance office to complete a form for consideration.
Eighth Grade Class Night
All eighth grade students are invited to participate in class night. Students who present or speak at class night are selected by their grade point average as determined by the seventh grade scores and the first three quarters of their eighth grade year, provided that their grades at fourth quarter interim are consistent with grades earned previously that year. STPPS district dress code must be followed.
In the spring of their sixth and seventh grade years, students receive an elective form. They are to choose and rank electives for the coming school year, and have the form signed by a parent. Once a child is placed in an elective class, he or she is expected to remain in that class for the entire year.
Electronic Device Policy
- The student is governed by the Student Use of Instructional Technology Policy which can be found on www.stpsb.org under Policies/Curriculum and Instruction. The St. Tammany Parish School Board desires to promote an environment that is conducive to instruction and learning.
- Act 313: no student shall possess, on his person, an electronic device throughout the instructional day. If a student brings a device in any public elementary or secondary school building during the instructional day, the electronic device shall either be turned off and properly stowed away for the duration of the instructional day or prohibited from being turned on and used during the instructional day.
Pockets are not acceptable under the new act.
- 1st offense: the parent must pick up the device in the front office
- 2nd offense: the parent must pick up the device in the front office & the student will be issued an after-school detention
- 3rd offense and above: the parent must pick up the device & the student will serve ISS. Days will increase with each offense.
Emergency Card
The parent/guardian of each student will be asked to complete an emergency card during the first week of school. The card is then kept on file in case of an emergency. Please be sure the card includes at least two local telephone numbers. In case of an emergency involving your child, this is our only means of reaching you.
Extracurricular Activities
The following are offered as extracurricular opportunities:
Cheerleading 4H
Future Farmers of America (FFA) National Junior Honor Society Sports teams
Student Council
Students must be present at school at least 4 hours on the day of the dance, event, or game in order to attend. Students must follow all St. Tammany dress code policies. Uniforms are not required at dances and sports events.
Students who attend extracurricular events held immediately after school (for example, softball games, cheerleading practice, etc.) or during the evening may not leave campus and then return. Students whose siblings are involved in after school practices or events may not wait for the sibling, as the staff is unavailable to supervise students at that time.
For students attending sporting events and other evening activities, prompt pickup is required as well in order to insure your child’s participation in the next event. Lee Road School does not sponsor, promote, or in any way contribute to any events held after the school sponsored activity. Parents are responsible for transportation.
If a student is out-of-school suspended, students are not allowed to attend any school event until the student is able to return back to campus.
Field Trips
All field trips taken by staff and students at Lee Road School are planned to supplement the instructional program. Because field trips must be prepaid to the vendor in advance of the trip, it will not be possible to refund the cost of a trip to an absent student, unless the student has a doctor’s excuse. Because field trips are curricular in nature, we encourage all students to attend.
Occasionally, however, a student’s behavior may cause his/her teacher to recommend that the child’s parent or guardian attend the trip in order to insure everyone’s continued safety and comfort. In such cases, the parent may choose to attend, or the child may remain at school and spend the day in another teacher’s class, completing assignments given by his own teacher. The administration reserves the right to decide that a child may not attend a particular trip. Siblings may not attend field trips.
Students attending the field trip must arrive and depart the field trip with St. Tammany Parish School System. Students will not be allowed to arrive with a parent or guardian or check-out from the field trip.
If a parent or guardian is not an assigned chaperone for the field trip, the parent/guardian must refrain from interacting with students on the field trip.
Food Services
Gifted Services
St. Tammany School System’s grading scale is:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
0-59 F
Semester exams are given to students in junior high Carnegie Unit classes, to count for 20% of the nine weeks’ grade. Numbers are recorded in electronic teacher grade books and used to average the final grade. Report cards are sent home at the conclusion of each nine-week period, for a total of four times yearly. End of year report cards will be mailed home by St. Tammany Parish School Board. Parents may access students’ grades through JPAMS
Hall Passes
In order to insure the safety of every child and maintain the facilities in a neat and orderly condition, students should always have a hall pass when they are outside of the classroom. Junior High students should have a hall pass signed by a teacher, with the time they left the class and their destination. Consequences may be issued to students found in the hallways without a pass.
Students have several opportunities to use the bathroom and get water throughout the day so minimal instructional time is lost. Teachers shall have their own hall pass system in class to reduce the number of students missing instructional time.
Health Services And Regulations
Despite every precaution, occasionally a child will become ill or injured at school. Parents will be notified for all but minor illnesses/injuries, using the emergency form completed by every parent at the beginning of the year. Students who become too ill to remain in class will be given a pass by the teacher and sent to the office. A parent or guardian must come to the office to sign the child out.
Students must bring a written excuse from a parent or guardian upon returning to school. Students who must take prescription or over the counter medicine during school hours are required to keep that medicine in the school office. The necessary forms must be completed by the student’s parent and physician. The office cannot otherwise dispense medication of any kind. Energy drinks and coffee are not allowed at school.
Teachers are responsible for deciding when, what, and how much homework is assigned within the scope of School System policy. Suggested times for assigned homework or related learning activities are:
- Primary: 15-30 minutes
- Intermediate: 30-60 minutes
- Junior high: 45-75 minutes
Homework may be started in the classroom and completed at home. If homework is accepted late or incomplete, some penalty may be assessed on the assignments by the teacher. If a child is ill or has an excused absence, assignments can be sent home at the parent or guardian’s request. Requests for school assignments for absent students will be honored if the school is given 24-hour notice; please understand that it is not always possible to get assignments together on short notice. The student is responsible for obtaining assignments given during his/her absence, and for working out a schedule for completion of those assignments with the teacher(s) involved.
An insurance policy to assist in defraying costs for students who are accidentally injured is available to parents for a small fee. For further information or to enroll, visit www.stpsb.org.
Parents may access their child’s grades by computer using JPAMS. The PIN numbers and passwords that can be used to access your child’s grades and are assigned at the beginning of the year. There is a link to JPAMS on the school website (www.leeroadjunior.stpsb.org). Teachers are asked to update grades weekly.
Lockers will be issued to sixth grade students and seventh and eighth grade students upon request. For requests, please contact the front office. Students are responsible for keeping locker combinations private, and keeping lockers neat and in working order. Stickers are not permitted on or in lockers. Students are permitted to go to their lockers at scheduled times. Lockers are loaned to students for their convenience and remain the property of St. Tammany Parish School Board, and as such are subject to inspection by the school administration at any time. Locker problems should be reported to an assistant principal. Students who jam lockers to the unlocked position, may lose locker privileges. Locker defacement is considered vandalism and will be treated as such.
Lost And Found
Unclaimed articles are kept in a lost and found area. Parents are strongly encouraged to clearly label students’ belongings. Students are responsible for their own belongings. Students should not leave books, book bags and purses unattended. The school is not responsible for replacing lost, damaged or stolen items. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity periodically.
Messages To Students
In order to minimize interruptions to the instructional program, messages will not be delivered to students except in cases of extreme emergency. Similarly, items (flowers, balloons, food) will not be delivered to individual students. We do not deliver telephone messages after 2:00PM. If you need to get a message to your student about how to go home, you will need to sign the message and fax along with a copy of your driver’s license or other photo identification. Our fax number is (985) 892- 3169. In the interest of safety, we no longer accept messages without the written confirmation and photo identification.
National Junior Honor Society
Students in seventh and eighth grade who demonstrate excellence are eligible for membership in National Junior Honor Society. This is a service organization and it is an honor to be selected for membership. Qualifications include:
1. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.35 in the prior school year and must also meet the requirements for and achieve A or B honor roll status for the fourth marking period of the prior year.
2. demonstrated service
3. leadership qualities
4. good character
5. good citizenship
If a student earns the 3.35 cumulative average the year prior, two additional criteria will be required to determine eligibility.
1. The first quarter average from the current school year will be reviewed to ensure that it also meets the 3.35 requirement.
2. Teacher recommendations from the current and prior year’s teachers regarding the non- academic components of NJHS will also be considered.
NJHS members must also be at or above their grade level academically. Any new eighth grade students enrolled in LRJH the following year will be considered for membership after reviewing their records from the previous school. All nominees must be recommended by all faculty members who are current teachers of the candidate, and approved by the NJHS Sponsorship Board, which will consist of all junior high teachers and the principal.
Nominees who are accepted into the NJHS must maintain a GPA of 3.35 or higher each quarter. If the student falls below the required GPA once in a school year, they will be placed on an academic probation. If they fall below twice in a school year, then they will be dismissed from NJHS. Students who are dismissed in their 7th grade year, will not be eligible for Honor Society in their 8th grade year. Discipline:
Any member who receives a suspension (in-school or out of school), Saturday detention, or after school detention, will be placed on disciplinary probation. Any member who receives a second suspension (in-school or out of school) or Saturday detention will be dismissed from the NJHS. Any member who violates any civil laws and becomes involved in a police action, which is officially reported to the Lee Road Administration, will be dismissed from the NJHS.
Any member dismissed from the NJHS because of disciplinary reasons will not be allowed to attend any NJHS trips and all monies paid will be forfeited.
Members of the NJHS are expected to demonstrate the qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship.
Personal Possessions
Physical Education
All students are required to wear tennis shoes and finger-tip length bottoms (athletic shorts must be finger-tip length in front and back if an arch is on the side) in order to participate in this class. Students without appropriate shoes or bottoms will be provided an alternate assignment during their Physical Education class.
Positive Behavior Support
Prohibited Items
- If there is probable cause to believe that a student has in his/her possession any dangerous, illegal or prohibited item, an administrator may search the person and property of the student. Any evidence seized as the result of such a search may be used in court prosecution.
- Any search of a student will, if possible and reasonable under the circumstances, be done by a teacher, administrator or other School System representative of the same sex, with at least one (1) adult witness present throughout the search. Classroom searches, with multiple students present, will be conducted in a manner that is reasonable under the particular facts and circumstances leading to any such search, but shall not require more than two adult persons to be present for any such search.
Promotion Policy
Parents may view the St. Tammany Parish School Board Pupil Progression Plan www.stpsb.org.
Recess Rules
Schedule Changes
School IDs
All students will receive school IDs. Students in grades PreK-8th grade are required to wear their ID throughout the day.
5-8th Grade Id policy
Students are provided one free temporary ID sticker per nine weeks. After the free temporary ID sticker is used, students will need to purchase a new badge ID. Please see below for the badge ID replacement costs per STPPS district.
Replacement cost:
1st replacement: $5.00
2nd replacement: $5.00
3rd and any additional replacements: $10.00
Consequences for not having an ID
- 1st offense: warning
- 2nd offense: parental contact
- 3rd offense: parental contact/lunch detention
- 4th offense: parental contact/after-school detention
- 5th & above: parental contact/in-school detention
*Payments must be made on My Payments Plus. No monies will be accepted on campus for IDs.
If fees accrue, students may not be able to attend future events. Notifications will be sent home.
Sexual Abuse
As mandated by the St. Tammany Parish School Board, students in grade K-8 will receive instruction on the topic of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education and Reporting. All materials used in the instruction may be previewed by contacting the school guidance counselor. Seventh and eighth grade students receive a pamphlet entitled St. Tammany Parish School Board’s Policy on Sexual Harassment. Please review the pamphlet with your student.
Students Of The Year
The Student of the Year Awards Program is designed to recognize outstanding elementary and middle/junior high school students. The program is an opportunity to recognize students who have demonstrated excellent academic achievement, leadership ability, and citizenship. The Students of the Year Awards Program is sponsored by the Louisiana State Superintendent through the State Department of Education. School administrators and other certified personnel may nominate a student or students who they believe warrant consideration for this honor. From the nominations, a Student of the Year Selection Committee will choose one student in 5th grade and one in 8th grade to represent the school. Criteria considered in the selection are outstanding academic record, participation in activities, citizenship and service involvement, and recognition and awards.
Students who frequently arrive late for school lose valuable instructional time, learn unproductive work habits for the future, and create needless disruption to the school and classroom setting. Every school has a policy for tardiness that is enforced to help ensure the maximum, high-quality instructional time for all students at the school. Parents are urged to support the academic success of students by requiring and assisting students to be on time for school every day. Please see the tardy policy below.
- 3-5 tardies — parent letter sent home
- 9th tardy — parent conference with administration
- 10-15 tardies — seat time at lunch
- 16-20 tardies —after school seat time
- >20 tardies — truancy will be reported to Child Welfare and Attendance
- 3-5 tardies — parent letter sent home
- 6th tardy — parent conference with administration
- 10-15 tardies —seat time at lunch
- 16-20 tardies — after school seat time
- >20 tardies — truancy will be reported to Child Welfare and Attendance
- 3-5 tardies — parent letter sent home
- 6-10 tardies – seat time at lunch; at the 6th tardy, parent conference with administration
- 11-15 tardies — after school seat time
- >15 tardies – truancy will be reported to Child Welfare and Attendance
Teacher Requests
We do not honor requests for specific teachers. However, if you describe in writing your child’s personality and learning style along with a description of the kind of teacher from whom your child might benefit most (for example, structured, nurturing, outgoing, etc.) we will do our best to match your child to a teacher with those traits. Requests for specific teachers will, regretfully, be discarded. Descriptions must be turned in by the date specified in the April newsletter in order to be considered.
The Lee Road School faculty is committed to preparing students to be technologically competent to compete in the 21st century. In order to avail themselves of the computer technology available at school, students and parents must sign a technology agreement stating that students will use and care for the equipment in an appropriate manner.
All textbooks are the property of the state of Louisiana. Student use of state-owned books carries the responsibility of proper use and good care.
If a book is damaged beyond use or not returned at the end of the session, or when a student transfers, the student must make payment at the original cost of replacing the book.
Students are expected to bring required books to class each day.
Students are not to loan their books to other students. Each child is responsible for the book that he/she is issued.
Students should not be on campus before 7:30AM. as there is no available supervision. Students may not drive cars, trucks, or any type of motorized vehicle to school. In order to insure students’ safety, students waiting for car or bus rides after school must remain in the designated area.
For information regarding bus stops, please access the link on the St. Tammany Parish Schools website or call the St. Tammany Parish School Board’s Transportation Office at 893-3373.
No student may ride a bus other than the one he/she is assigned without a note from a parent that is signed by a school administrator.
Students must obey the school rules on the busses as well as at school. The bus driver is responsible for the safety and well-being of his passengers, and must be obeyed and respected. Students who violate bus regulations or endanger themselves or others in any way will be reported to an administrator. A consequence may be issued. If the violations are frequent and/or severe, the possibility exists that a student will be barred from riding the bus.
Parents and community members are encouraged to visit Lee Road School. We especially encourage volunteers who have some time to listen to a child read. All volunteers will be asked to sign a confidentiality statement. Volunteers are welcome to spend up to 2 hours per day at the school, unless a longer visit has been approved through the administration. Each time you visit, please report to the office to sign in and receive a visitor’s pass before proceeding. The staff has been asked to assist in enforcing this policy in order to insure the safety of all our students. Visitors may not confer with teachers during instructional time. We appreciate your cooperation.
Parents are welcome to enjoy lunch in the cafeteria with their child(ren) during their scheduled lunch time. Please refrain from bringing outside food into the cafeteria. You may enjoy the cafeteria lunch or just sit with your child during this time.
The cost of an adult lunch is $5.50